Tourism and the environment are concepts that symbolize a common relationship. While the environment is a source of tourism, the most important effects of tourism are on the environment. It is obvious that these relations are of vital nature and that the environment must live for tourism to exist.
From such a point of view, there is no area or process that is not covered by the environment.
A tourism activity that is not well managed; It can create negative effects such as the degradation of the environment and landsace. Moreover, it can also pollute the natural resources such as air, water and soil, threatening public health. Touristic regions that can make the natural environment attractive today and in the future; When they bring together the human structure on the one hand and the touristic facilities on the other hand with the natural landscape and architectural features in a balanced way, they will be able to get a greater share from the economic benefits of tourism.
Relationships between tourism and the environment; it demonstrates that the environment contributes to the creative elements of tourism while also being a destructive element of the environment. Tourism, in addition, serves as an environmental safeguard. While this situation demonstrates the existence of a contradiction in tourism and environmental relations, it brings effectiveness to the environmental protection function, which is caused by the complementary feature of the same event and by well-organized tourism.
Tourism must be economically sustainable to maximize its benefits on the environment in which it takes place and to ensure long-term development by reducing its adverse effects.
Why is Sustainability Important?
Our environment does not have infinite resources or resource capacity. Nevertheless, when it has been examined, the human behavior in general, it can be found that these resources are used as if they were limitless. On the other hand, as the awareness grows, so does the number of environmentally conscious consumers, who favor environmentally friendly products. On the one hand, this situation increases the pressure on businesses to be sensitive; on the other hand, it provides an opportunity to build a brand, gain competitive advantage, reducing expenses, and make economic gains.
In terms of tourism, tourism needs natural, historical, cultural, and geographical resources. All these resources are evaluated as raw materials in the hospitality industry and are used in the formation and marketing of the touristic product.
«Environmental quality» is critical while promoting a destination. It can be demonstrated that there is a positive correlation between a destination’s environmental richness, values, and preferability. In other words, since tourism is nourished by environmental values, no one will visit a destination with environmental issues. In other words, since tourism is nourished by environmental values, no one will prefer to visit a destination with environmental issues. Furthermore, it will be impossible to continue tourism activities in locations with poor environmental conditions in long term. It is up to tourism investors, operators, and personnel to respond to and sustain tourist demand. In conclusion, making long-term viable, visitable, and, of course, sustainable tourism should be the priority, rather than short-term gains.
Our Sustainability Polices and Activity Report
AKGUN ISTANBUL HOTEL believes that successful organizations and corporate assurance coexist for sustainable development. We aim to achieve sustainability in every component of our business so that our guests, team members, the environment, local communities and all of our consumption understand and benefit from our activities.
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